Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Star Schema - The simplest of all

Star Schema : It is simplest data warehouse schema. It is called star because it resembles the star with points radiating out of the center. Fact tables is the center of the star and dimensions sit at the points.
Usually the fact table in the star schema is in 3rd normal form and dimensions are usually de-normalized. It is most simplest and most commonly used schema.

If you do not understand the basic concepts of data warehousing, please visit my previous article.

If we consider the data warehousing scenario detailed here, below is how a star schema would look like.
Star Schema

Although, star schema require just one fact table at the center, but you could surely have multiple stars in your design.

Characteristics of  star schema

  • Simplest design
  • Better query performance.
  • A little extra time to load the data into dimension because of de-normalization.
  • More space because of redundancy in dimensions.
Click here to learn more about different types of schema.


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